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David Hooper

While the technology IS complex, the methods of testing things have been around for decades. It's taken the music industry to catch onto them, but the good news is that it's not too late for them to do some good.

For anybody interested in more about testing or the history of testing, check out for "Scientific Advertising" by Claude Hopkins.

The good news is that this kind of testing is really easy on the Internet. Check out because I've got a couple of scripts that I recommend which will let anybody test online advertising, prices, and just about anything else and run the numbers automatically.


Music marketing has become complex. How do you feel about video marketing? I am creating short teaser videos to lead viewers to my squeeze page. Then I am posting the videos to not only because it's free. They also help set up a targeted keyword campaign to boost targeted traffic. It seems to be that the music industry is headed towards a heavy independent model in the near future.

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